We found 221 properties available for you

In the residential real estate sector of Papua New Guinea, we currently have 37 properties available for rent. The cost of these properties varies with a median price point yet to be determined. These properties are distributed across a variety of categories including apartments, serviced apartments, block of units and townhouses. The most desirable features of these properties consist of security windows, backup electricity, backup water, and retail proximity. In terms of layout, the average property offers between 2-3 bedrooms, with 2-bedroom properties being the most prevalent. Many of these estates also provide between 1 to 2 bathrooms and come with a median of 2 parking spaces per property. Geographic orientation-wise, according to our data, the vast majority face south, with north-east and north-facing runners-up. The floor area of these residential properties averages at 78 square meters, ranging from a minimum of 35 to a maximum of 172 square meters. The most recent property was listed 6 days and 3 hours prior to this report. The properties are being represented by a number of distinguishable agencies, with Hausples Support and Gateway Hotel & Apartments leading the pack.