In the residential real estate market of Papua New Guinea, there are currently 315 properties available for rent. These properties range in price from K1,520,000 to K5,800,000, with a median property cost of K2,500,000. The properties are distributed over nine distinct types, predominately comprised of apartments, stand-alone houses, unit blocks, and serviced apartments. Primary features of these properties highlight their full furnishing, air conditioning, proximity to local shops, and full fencing for added security. Most properties in the region offer a choice of 2 to 3 bedroom layouts, with three-bedroom designs being particularly popular among renters. On average, these properties include between 1 to 2 bathrooms and offer a median of 2 parking spaces per property. As per our analysis, a majority of properties exhibit a south-facing orientation, followed by west, and then north-east orientations. Fluctuating in size, these residential properties have an average floor area of 100 square meters, with the smallest covering 44 square meters and the larger properties extending up to 198 square meters. Over the past few days, there have been new listings added, with the most recent listing made available just two days and eighteen hours ago. Sender Hausples Support and DAC Real Estate Head Office are the leading agencies marketing these properties, helping potential renters navigate through Papua New Guinea's exciting real estate opportunities.